the mudpond

It's good to let things breathe in your imagination because often your initial response to it is not the best thought-through response. I savour little glimpses of life. Mine and those of people who turn me sideways and around. Friend or stranger. Even a child. (the world looks different from down there) Sometimes an author, photographer, artist. I let things saturate and incubate here. Hopefully, deeper meanings can percolate up and flower.

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A stray cat.


Contagious Thinks

THAT MEME. I should never have done it.

Why did I bite when I'd always ignored memes which to me, always seem too much effort for fluff? Because it bit me. Randomness coupled with minimum effort requirement. Nothing could be more alluring to an idle and lazy mind. Mine, that is.

Oh, don't get me wrong. Randomness by itself never has a snowball's chance in hell with me. Da Ma Cai will never get a sen of my hard-earned ringgit.

But bundle it up with minimum effort, twiddling thumbs and time to kill, what's to lose? On the contrary, when synapses simply refuse to fire up the neural network, it's a blog post.

But I really should have known better.

As if the first one were a virus, three days ago, another one popped up in my mailbox. This one was long. It came bearing questions that require unpacking. Me being me, long and seemingly innocuous questions always trigger a mouse-click. And here's the catch :

Memes are contagious ideas, all competing for a share of our mind in a kind of Darwinian selection.

Ah so. A survival of the fittest of ideas. I certainly have seen how that applies to other people's blogs. And I can certainly see, how it is now insinuating itself into mine. Sigh

A friend recently started re-thinking his worldview and chose to share his responses with friends, in meme fashion.

Well, of course, being far from lazy or idle this past week, had I felt so inclined, I could have done such navel-gazing the web way. But then, I never obsess about my navel - not any more, anyway - since my belly went under covers the day my dress size got promoted.

So why did I bite? How did it manage to bite me?

You see, my genes betray me. I'm a sucker for reciprocity. It'll be the death of my anonymity, layer by layer - one day.

Anyway, having expended much think-time and effort on this meme, I might as well blog it - for whatever it's worth. Who knows, it might be contagious enough to reward me with little glimpses of other people’s worldviews.


There are six questions to which I will post my personal responses; one per post, in the coming days. One by one, because the depth of thought my friend attached to each response, was well… contagious.

1. What is your constant mindset and philosophy for everyday life? (when not having a bad day)

2. What is your mood and mindset when performing mundane and/or repetitive everyday tasks?

3. What goes through your mind when you meet the eyes of someone you don't know? How do you act/react?

4. What causes you to get out of bed with a "spring in your step"? (when you don't have something special to look forward to)

5. Are there any people that cause you unease for no apparent offense performed? How do you deal with this?

6. What goes through your mind and how do you react to a perceived indirect insult during a casual conversation?

If this meme interests you, feel free to pick it up for your own blog. Alternatively, you are most welcome to do it with me in the comment box. I'd be most honored :)



Blogger lucia said...

i haven't come across the word 'meme' until i started blogging. to me these are just questions that are passed around - didn't know they are known as meme.

wow percolator! your meme is so... er... difficult... er... i mean it require deep profound thought. it's not like some of the other 'childish' meme that goes round e.g the books i read now, the music i like to listen, the person i admire and so on.

come to think of it, meme is a good way of revealing oneself, eh. i might collect a few meme to respond then put them up permenantly under a 'get to know me' section!

10:49 PM  
Blogger percolator said...

wThere you go, lucia,
Let Her Majesty the Empress Baggie show how it can be fun, funny and easy.
Oh dear, by contrast, my take is gonna sound so staid and boring...

LOL! What a mirth-inducing take, Your Majesty! It's got my bellybutton wiggling! Thanks muchy, it's takes like this that perk me up and remind me not to take myself too seriously.

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Memes are contagious ideas, all competing for a share of our mind in a kind of Darwinian selection. "

But Darwin erred badly and implied an ammoral and meaningless world. People clung to him - many out of disdain from their religious leaders and their inadequate "persuasion", by way of rigid doctrines.

I don't give any credence to the mechanical and hollow science of overhyped Darwin.


2:44 PM  

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